11. March 2024

Exhibition series _show_show


‘Logik und Eigensinn’ (Logic and Quirk): In the opening show of the new exhibition series _show_show, Hassan Sheidaei and Fabian Knöbl break down the traditional genre boundaries of sculpture.

Opening this Thursday, 14th March!

The exhibition ‘Logik und Eigensinn’ (Logic and Quirk) by the ‘flying artists’ Fabian Knöbl and Hassan Sheidaei provides visitors with an overview of their previous works, themes, and the respective media used. Knöbl’s playfully light paper works enter into a dynamic dialogue with Sheidaei’s partially cast in concrete and bronze objects, accompanied by selected video works and photographs.

_show_show is the new Artist-in-Residence exhibition series of the Crespo program ‘Das fliegende Künstlerzimmer’ (The flying artist’s room). Following ‘Logik und Eigensinn’ (Logic and Quirk) in April is ‘Just wait another million years’ by the two collectives g.a.d.o. (Lena Skrabs and Paloma Sanchez-Palencia) and Tedious Work (Paul Norman and Leander Ripchinsky).

14th - 22nd March 2024 
‘Logik und Eigensinn’ (Logic and Quirk)

Fabian Knöbl & Hassan Sheidaei 
Vernissage: Thursday, 14th March, 7 pm 
Meet the Artists: Friday, 15th March, and Friday, 22nd March, 5 pm – 7 pm

18th - 26th April 2024 
‘Just wait another million years’
g.a.d.o. – Lena Skrabs & Paloma Sanchez-Palencia 
Tedious Work – Paul Norman & Leander Ripchinsky 
Vernissage: Thursday, 18th April, 7 pm 
Performances: Friday, 19th April, and Friday, 26th April, 5 pm – 7 pm

‘Das fliegende Künstlerzimmer’ (The flying artist’s room)

The program ‘Das fliegende Künstlerzimmer’ (The flying artist’s room) was developed in 2018 by the Crespo Foundation as an Artist-in-Residence scholarship for the collaboration of artists with students and their teachers. It is implemented in collaboration with the Hessian Ministry Culture, the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts, selected schools, and their districts.

The flying artist’s rooms are mobile living studios. They ‘land’ on schoolyards in rural areas in Hesse, where artists move in to initiate artistic processes with the entire school community within one to two school years. Since the 2022/23 school year, six flying artist rooms have been stationed in schoolyards in rural Hesse. During their residency at the schools, Crespo Foundation fellows have the opportunity to make their artistic positions accessible through an exhibition for both the schools involved in the program and the art-interested public.